Academic Calendar 2021-22 
    Oct 07, 2024  
Academic Calendar 2021-22 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

IST 120 - Indigenous Peoples/TELTIN TTE WILNEW

Credits: 3 Total Hours: 45
TELTIN TTE WILNEW, a SENCOTEN phrase meaning Understanding Indigenous People. This unique, award-winning course is intended for students unfamiliar with Indigenous world-views. Participants will learn from Indigenous people about Indigenous worldviews and colonization through video, audio interviews, radio shows and scholarly articles. The purpose of the course is to dispel stereotypes and myths, to enable learners to understand the experience of Indigenous peoples in a Canadian context, and to equip them with the knowledge and skills to begin to interact respectfully with Indigenous peoples in community and in the workplace. Discussions are conducted in circle format with an Indigenous facilitator.

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