Academic Calendar 2021-22 
    Mar 31, 2025  
Academic Calendar 2021-22 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]





Acceptance into an institution, faculty, or program once admission requirements are fulfilled. Admission into some programs is limited by spaces available and/or by selection criteria.

Admission Requirements 

All qualifications, selection criteria, and administrative processes (such as completion of application form, payment of application fee, adhering to application deadlines) that an applicant must submit to be considered for admission.


A prospective student who has submitted an application and has not yet been granted admission. 

Applicant Status 

The current state of an applicant’s request for admission. Throughout the admission process, there are several stages for applicants:

  • Applied - An applicant who has submitted an application. Applicants remain at this stage until all required documentation has been submitted and the application is ready for review. Once admission requirements are submitted, the application is then considered ‘Under Review’. Incomplete applications are held for a maximum of 12 months, at which time the application is withdrawn by the College.
  • Conditionally Admissible - An applicant who has been admitted into a program but is required to successfully meet specified criteria (e.g. waiting on final grades, student in upgrading).
  • Decision Pending - An applicant who has submitted all required documentation whose application is now under reviewMeeting the admission requirements set out by the College does not guarantee admission to a program of study, as the College reserves the right to refuse admission.
  • Deferred - An applicant who is unable to accept their seat and has requested a one-time deferral to a future term.
  • Invited - An applicant who has fulfilled admission requirements and has received an offer of admission.
  • Not Admissible - An applicant who has been deemed inadmissible to their program of choice, either by not meeting admission requirements or for any other reason. Applicants in this status will often be encouraged to apply for another program of study or developmental education.
  • Waitlisted - An applicant who has been deemed admissible, but for which there are no available spaces in their program of choice.
  • Withdrawn - An applicant who has withdrawn their application or has had their application withdrawn by the College (e.g. inability to contact the student).

The formal way a prospective student notifies a post-secondary institution of their desire to study in one of its programs. Applications to Camosun College are primarily facilitated through BC’s common application system, Education Planner BC (EPBC).


An evaluation of a student’s current aptitude or skills in a particular area (usually literacy or numeracy).

Commitment Fee 

A non-refundable, non-transferable sum that confirms a student’s intention to attend the College each academic year. Commonly referred to as a Deposit.

Conditional Admission 

Admission to a program on the premise that all requirements are fulfilled prior to a specified deadline. Not available for all programs. Also called “provisional admission” or “conditional acceptance”. 

Dual Admission

An admissions pathway whereby the applicant is admitted to more than one institution at the same time.


Managed by BCCAT (BC Council on Admissions & Transfer), EducationPlannerBC allows students to plan, search, and apply to programs for BC’s public post-secondary institutions. Formerly referred to as ApplyBC.

Guaranteed Admission

An admissions pathway whereby an agreement has been made with another institution to admit students based on successful completion of a program or courses at that institution. 

Mature Applicant 

An applicant who does not meet the required admission requirements, but meets the minimum age required by the College. Mature applicants may be required to complete admission tests or developmental courses, be admitted on a probationary basis, or have other conditions for admission and/or progression.

Prospective Student 

An individual who has expressed interest in studying at the College but has not yet submitted an application. Colloquially referred to as a Prospect.

Re-Admission (to limited enrolment programs) 

The process through which a student applies to re-enter into a previous program of attendance, having completed some credit toward that program. Typically occurs when a student has been Required to Withdraw.  

Selection Criteria

The verified information, usually academic, on which an applicant’s admission decision is based, e.g., high school record, college credits, GPA, community involvement, work experience, etc.


Audit Student 

A learner who attends academic (credit) lectures out of interest, and receives no formal evaluation, letter grade, or credit for the course and therefore are not eligible to apply for transfer or equivalent credit for the course. Audit students may be currently enrolled in other credit sections, or individuals taking the course (possibly as a stand-alone) purely for interest.


A grouping of identified students who typically progress through curriculum at the same pace, covering the same academic material at the same time.

Continuing Student 

A student who has not experienced an enrolment break of greater than 12 months (from the month of their last attendance to the month of their return to the College). A continuing student need not re-apply for admission to the same program.

Course Load 

The number of courses in which a student is registered, typically represented as a percentage of the total credits required in a given period for a credentialed program.  For example, a standard program is designed with 15 credits per term; therefore, a student registered in 9 credits would be considered to have a 60% course load.

Domestic Student 

A current or prospective student who is in possession of valid documentation confirming their legal status as a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or convention refugee.

Accommodated Student 

A learner with physical, medical, mobility, sensory, learning, or other disorders who warrant special services, considerations, and facilities to allow for successful course or program completion.

Dual Credit Student 

A student enrolled in a course specifically offered to gain high school and college credit simultaneously.

Exchange Student (Inbound)

An individual who is admitted to the College on the basis of an exchange agreement which enables the student to pay tuition to their home institution, study at Camosun, and transfer credit back to their home institution.

Exchange Student (Outbound)

An individual who is admitted to a host partner institution on the basis of an exchange agreement which enables to student to pay tuition to Camosun College, and to register and study at the host institution, with credit transferred back to the College.

Full-Time Student 

A student registered in a minimum 60% course load for their program (typically 3 courses for undergraduate programs or 20 hours per week for upgrading programs). For those accommodated students with an approved permanent disability and related ‘reduced course load’ accommodation, a 40% course load denotes full-time status.

Indigenous Student 

A student who identifies as having First Nations (Status/Non-Status), Metis, or Inuit cultural and/or ancestral background. Also referred to in government policy as Aboriginal.

International Student 

A student who meets the guidelines established for international students studying in Canada by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

New Student 

An individual who has never attended a for-credit course or program the College.

Part-Time Student 

Any student registered in less than 60% of a full course load for their program, except in the case of an accommodated student with an approved permanent disability and related ‘reduced course load’ accommodation.

Returning Student 

An individual who has previously studied at Camosun College and is returning to studies after having no registration activity in the past thirteen (13) months or greater.


An individual for whom the Office of the Registrar maintains an official student record and who: (a) is enrolled in or registered with a developmental, trades, or undergraduate program of the College, or (b) is between academic terms and has completed the immediately preceding term and is eligible for re-enrollment, or (c) is on approved educational leave or other approved leave status. 

Transfer Student 

An individual who has studied at another post-secondary institution prior to studying at Camosun and receives credit for work completed at their previous institution(s). 

Undergraduate Student 

An individual who is registered in for-credit, post-secondary level course(s).

Upgrading Student 

An individual who is registered in developmental courses - typically Adult Basic Education (ABE) and/or English Language Development (ELD). Sometimes referred to as an Upgrading Student.

Visiting Student 

An individual who is attending Camosun, with the purpose of receiving credit at their home institution. Visiting students may be attending through an established agreement or through a Letter of Permission.

Academic Standing & Progression

Academic Standing 

Classifications used to reflect a student’s overall academic performance, and generally used to determine student eligibility for honours, promotion, and graduation, etc. Evaluated at the end of each semester, and primarily determined by Grade Point Average (GPA).

  • Good Standing - students who have maintained a term GPA of 2.0 to 7.9.
  • Dean’s List  - full-time or accommodated students who have achieved a term GPA of 8.0 or greater.
  • Academic Alert  - students whose term GPA has fallen below 2.0 for the first time. Typically used as an opportunity to assist students prior to being formally placed on Probation.
  • Academic Probation - students whose term GPA has fallen below 2.0 after having had one semester on ‘Academic Alert’. Students usually have a certain timeframe to raise their academic performance and are permitted to be placed on probation a maximum of two (2) times before Academic Removal.
  • Academic Removal  - students who are not allowed to continue in their program of studies at Camosun College for a period of 12 months based on academic performance.
  • Academic Suspension  - students who have returned from Academic Removal but have not met the GPA requirements in the subsequent semester, resulting in an expulsion or suspension from the college for a minimum of two (2) years.
Grade Point 

The value (ranging from 0.0 to 9.0) given to each final grade (e.g. “A+” = 9.0, “F” = 0.0).

Grade Point Average (GPA) 

The total of grade points averaged over the number of credits contributing points of 0.0 and greater. The GPA can be for a particular term or overall.

  • Term GPA - The average of all grades for courses taken during a particular term.
  • Cumulative GPA - The average of all grades for courses taken to-date.

The process of receiving formal recognition, usually by the granting of a credential (certificate, diploma, degree) for having completed a program of study. Not to be confused with Convocation, the public celebration of individual student achievement.


A defined and approved period for which a student is unable to continue their studies. 

  • Voluntary - Initiated by the student, a formal procedure for withdrawing from the College.
  • Involuntary - Occurs when a student is required to take a leave of absence from their course work and/or the college community due to health and/or safety issues.

Academic Program

Academic Calendar 

The official repository of academic rules, regulations, policies, official dates, programs, and courses for a post- secondary institution. The nature, extent, and format of information contained in the Calendar are determined by the Registrar in accordance with national and international professional standards and practical systems. Often referred to as an Academic Catalog outside of Canada.

Academic Program 

A defined set of courses and other requirements approved by Education Council and described in the Academic Calendar, which the student must successfully complete to obtain a specific credential. Programs are offered within three educational categories: Upgrading & Preparatory, Trades, and Undergraduate. In Undergraduate degree and diploma programs, several depths of study are recognized:

  • Major - The primary depth of study which prescribes a minimum of 30% of total program requirements.
  • Minor - A depth of study independent of the Major which prescribes a minimum of 20% of total program requirements. Also referred to as an Option.
  • Specialization - A depth of study related to the major which prescribes a minimum of 10% of total program requirements. A specialization must pertain to the student’s major field of study.
  • Designation - Used to denote experiential learning, typically in the form of an internship or co-operative education.
Accelerated Program 

Modified delivery model of a program which enables students to complete the program in a shorter timeframe by granting credit for previously achieved credits or credentials; also referred to as an intensive or fast track program.May also describe a diploma program delivered in a continuous 12-month format without extended vacation breaks and sometimes increased instructional hours per week.

Academic Discipline 

Grouping of related fields of study e.g., arts, business, technology, health, science, and many others.


A quality assurance process conducted by legislated authorities or professional regulatory bodies to determine whether educational institutions and/or programs meet the required standards or benchmarks.


A process for learning a skilled trade in the construction, industrial/manufacturing, motive power, and service sectors. Apprenticeship programs include classroom learning and on-the-job experience under the direction of more experienced workers. Apprentices are employees and earn a salary while they are training and studying.

Bridge Course / Program

Course or set of courses that students take to augment or enhance their learning from one program in order to enter another program, for example from a diploma to a degree program in the same area of study. Some bridging course/programs are designed to prepare internationally educated professionals to write certification examinations to practice in Canada. 

Capstone Project

A culminating project that is relevant to the student’s main area of specialization and is normally undertaken in the final year of studies. The project may involve the synthesis of work done previously in the program and may involve elements of independent research; it is overseen and evaluated by a faculty supervisor and/or committee.

Career Preparation Program

An applied program of study intended to prepare students for entry into the workplace, or continued studies at the post-secondary level in a specific career sector.

CIP Code 

The Classification of Instructional Programs code represents the discipline that each program of study has been assigned. The CIP is a comprehensive taxonomy of programs of instruction based on subject matter developed by the U.S. National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). It is an accepted standard for the classification of instructional programs in Canada, and is used by Statistics Canada and the BC Diploma, Associate Degree, and Certificate Student Outcomes (DACSO) Project.

Competitive Entry Program 

Programs which receive more qualified applications than the program can accommodate. Applicants are selected based on defined criteria such as grades/grade point average, portfolios, or other supplemental information or procedures, depending on the program.

Continuous Entry Program

Applications into these programs occur on an ongoing basis where students can apply at any time and, once qualified and admitted, can start their studies in the next available intake.

Co-operative Education Program 

A program which alternates periods of academic study with periods of work experience in appropriate fields of employment. As defined by Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL), accredited Co-operative Education Program work terms are developed in partnership with the employer (who also evaluated student performance in the workplace); comprised of curriculum which supports student learning goals, personal evaluation, and reflection; a minimum of 12 weeks and/or 420 hours full-time paid experience; begin and end on an academic term; and follow a formalized sequence.


A post-secondary credential is a standard of learning and differs from the physical recognition (the parchment). Earning a credential confirms an individual has reached a specific educational standard and have certain knowledge, skills, and/or experience. Differences between types of credentials can include the length of the program, specific admission requirements, and program outcomes. Within British Columbia, “post-secondary credential” refers to: 

  • an apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma; 
  • a certificate at the post-secondary level; or
  • a post-secondary diploma or degree.

At Camosun College, the following credentials are offered:

  • Degree - An undergraduate academic degree combining both theory and practical skills with advanced training and education to the standard of a bachelor’s degree (four years of university-level study). Typically developed in program areas with emerging employment needs, in areas not generally offered at universities.
  • Associate Degree - An undergraduate academic degree granted after two years of university-level study in a variety of academic areas. Associate Degree curriculum is intended to lay a solid foundation for further study.
  • Diploma - Recognition of successful completion of a program of study, usually two years in length. Post-degree diplomas are often one year in length.
  • Certificate - Recognition of successful completion of an academic program of study, typically requiring a minimum of one term of full-time study.
  • Post-Degree Certificate / Diploma - Studies undertaken to compliment previous studies completed at the undergraduate level.

In addition, Camosun offers non-credential recognition parchments:

  • Program Completion / Participation Certificates - Non-academic, non-credit programs typically offered as continuing education or professional education certificates. Not based on academic courses and not recorded on the academic record or official transcript and are the responsibility of the offering unit.

At Camosun, the term curriculum may be used to describe learning outcomes, course descriptions and content, learning activities, teaching and learning methods, assessment, and evaluation.

Developmental Education 

Pre-college level courses taken in preparation for, or to access, studies at the post-secondary level such as Adult Basic Education, Career Preparation, English Language Development, and Learning Skills. Colloquially referred to as Upgrading and/or Preparatory

Interdisciplinary Studies

A field of study, either a course or program, which permits students to study beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines, to explore the relationships among disciplines in depth, and to integrate knowledge gained into a central theme. It may be cross-departmental and/or cross-college in nature.

Level of Study 

The level of study reflects the complexity and character of a student’s program. At Camosun, levels of study include Upgrading & Preparatory, Trades, Undergraduate, and Continuing Education. 

Limited Enrolment Program

A program with a defined limit on the number of students accepted to the program. In many cases, enrolment is cohort-based and courses are only available to those students enrolled within the program. When there are more qualified applicants than seats, a waitlist is typically created. Also colloquially referred to as a ‘Seated Program’.

Non-Course Requirements

Program requirements that are not courses but satisfy a requirement of a program. For Example, language requirements, criminal record checks, immunization records, proficiency test scores, or an experiential component. Previously referred to as Program Participation Requirements.

Non-Credential Programs

Programs not considered academic (Continuing Education) or post-secondary (Developmental) in nature.

Open Enrolment Program

A program with no defined limit on the number of students accepted into the program.

Residency Requirement 

Residency requirements for credential completion specify the number of Camosun-based credits/course to be completed toward a program of study. For Camosun College credentials, at least 25% of the required program or program credits must be completed through the College.


An academic area of study or discipline defined by course content and specific subject matter.

Courses & Sections

Active Course

A course that is available for student enrolment.

Cancelled Course 

A previously offered course that has been permanently cancelled.

Capstone Course

A course that serves as the culminating and usually integrative experience of an educational program. The course can take a myriad of forms including final-year projects, dissertations, experiential learning, seminars and performances/exhibitions depending on the learning outcomes and discipline involved.


A course or other requirement that must be taken at the same time as another course / requirement.

Contact Hours 

The number of hours of instruction in a course.


A unit of study in a subject area identified by a description of activities and defined by a subject code, and number, title, and course description in the Academic Calendar. 

Course Attempt 

Generally, any course for which a final grade has been assigned, including failures.

Course Authority

Each course is normally under the administrative authority of one academic unit; however, interdisciplinary courses in particular can have multiple. Two types of authority can be defined for each course:

  • Resource authority - provides the resources for the course.
  • Content authority - determines the course content. 
Course Level 

Academic, for-credit courses are deemed to be either “Lower Level” or “Upper Level”. “Lower Level” implies that the course is focused on building introductory or foundational knowledge, and in some cases building upon knowledge gained from a previous course. “Upper Level” implies that the course transmits or articulates knowledge beyond the lower level, and will often require prerequisites, co-requisites, or advanced literacy or numeracy skills. Course levels are most often identified by the first digit of the course number - see Appendix A.

Course Numbers

A numbering system used to label and differentiate, as well as identify the academic level of course units. Once de-activated, a course number (and related subject) cannot be re-used for a minimum period of five (5) years.

Course Outline

The master course information document that includes a description of the main content, logistics, and expected learning outcomes of a course, as well as the number of credits awarded, hours of class time, and grading system used. Approved by Education Council.

Course Syllabus

Distributed at the start of term, the course outline provides the student with instructor details, class meeting time(s) and location(s), intended learning outcomes, required materials and textbooks, schedule of assignments, and assessment methodology. Forms the contract with the student and cannot be changed once the term begins without Chair approval and consent of the learners.


The value given to a post-secondary level academic activity (primarily courses), with the majority of academic courses being three (3) credits. Course credit is the currency that comprises an academic program for most post-secondary level courses.

Course Type 

Identifiers used to further define a course and provide specific system functionality. Examples include Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), variable start/end dates, honours, vocational, etc. Not to be confused with Instructional Method.

  • Academic Cross-Listing - Refers to a course that is listed under two or more distinct course numbers. For example, a course may be offered as both ANTH 100 and SOCI 100 simultaneously. The course content, instructor, location/time, and students are the same. However, depending upon the program of study in which the student is enrolled, the course will be listed on the transcript as either ANTH 100 or SOCI 100. Sections are sometimes referred to colloquially as “Nested Sections”.
  • Administrative Cross-Listing - Refers to the practice of creating multiple sections for one class in order to facilitate reserved seating for two or more groups of students or other administrative purposes. For example, a section may require a certain number of seats to be allocated to students in several different faculties. This can be accomplished by creating several different sections and administratively cross-listing the sections back into a single class.

Applying credit from one course toward more than one program or credential requirement.


An optional course that students select outside of their major area of study, typically to enhance breadth of knowledge and/or to fulfill program graduation requirements.


Camosun courses that are deemed to possess significantly similar content (80%+) such that they are considered to be interchangeable across all programs, and students may receive credit for only one of the courses. Equivalent courses can only be deemed equivalent to a single course (1:1), unlike transfer credit which can identify equivalencies at a 2:1 ratio. Also referred to as an Exclusion.


The waiving of a required course (or non-course requirement). Students are typically required to replace the exempted course with an alternate to meet the minimum required credits for the credential. Different from a ‘Substitution’ whereby the replacement course is prescribed.


The measure of a student’s academic performance in a course at its conclusion, typically expressed as a number (percentage), letter, or on a competency scale (often complete or incomplete, satisfactory or unsatisfactory).

Inactive Course

A course that has not been taught in the previous 24 months. Inactive courses will be retained in the course archive and do not appear in the calendar (but can be re-activated for registration).

Instructional Method 

Describes the primary techniques, methods, and environment used to deliver course content.

Independent Study

Independent coursework undertaken by a student under the supervision of a faculty member. The coursework is assigned a course credit and may involve readings, independent research, field work, and/or a term paper.

Non-Credit Course

A non-postsecondary level course, most often offered as Developmental Education or through Continuing Education. A grade may be assigned, but the course is not usually applicable toward a credential or for transfer.


Request for special approval to register in a particular section that is required by all students. Often used in situations where an audition, portfolio, or other assessment is required. Also used to allow a student to exceed their maximum number of credits for the term.

Placeholder Course

Placeholder courses are created for administrative purposes, normally to allow students access to services such as the library or fitness facilities. These courses may be listed on transcripts, but they do not signify the attainment of academic credit. Placeholder subject codes normally begin with the letter “X.” Final authority for the technical setup or adjustment of placeholder courses rests with the Registrar.

Practicum Course

Workplace experience offered as part of an academic program under the direct supervision of an educator, practicing professional, or workplace mentor. The practicum helps students develop job-related skills and is a required component of certain programs. Also referred to as a placement.

Prerequisite Course

A course or other requirement that must be satisfactorily completed before enrolment will be permitted into an advanced or succeeding course. Prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of ‘C’ unless otherwise noted.

Reserved Course

A course on the timetable where registration is limited to program students for the first portion of the registration period and removed after a period of time to allow non-program students to register or waitlist.

Restricted Course

A course on the timetable that permits registration to program-specific students only. Unlike Reserved Courses, the restriction is not removed after a period of time.

Required Course

A course that all students following a particular program of study must complete. Sometimes referred to as a Core Course.

Schedule Type

Identifies when sections of a course are offered in the timetable (morning, afternoon, evening).


While “course” is used to identify subject matter, “section” is used to refer to the offering of a course to one or more students within a term. Also referred to as a ‘Class’.

Self-Paced Course

Course curriculum whereby students can proceed through the content at their own pace until a certain length of time (typically to a maximum of 1 year).

Service Course 

A course that is required as part of a program pathway but is in a discipline offered by another academic unit.

Special Topics Course

Courses offered on a one-off basis in special circumstances, and not normally used to substitute for required courses in a program. 

Subject Code

A 3 or 4 letter cipher representing the subject matter being taught in the associated course(s). Expired subject codes cannot be repurposed for different subject matter, nor can existing subject codes be re-lettered.


The waiving of a required course in lieu of taking another prescribed course.

Team Teaching

Two or more faculty collaborating in the planning, delivery, and instruction of a course.


The granting of an exception, most commonly the waiving of a requisite (pre, co-, or non-course) requirement on a single, specific course for a particular student. A waiver is typically granted prior to the student’s registration and allows the student to register independently during actual registration time.

Financial Aid & Awards


Non-repayable funds awarded to students based on financial need to assist in financing postsecondary education. 

Financial Aid

Umbrella term for any grant, bursary, scholarship, loan, or award offered to help a student meet their college expenses. Such aid is usually provided by various sources such as federal and provincial (StudentAidBC) agencies, colleges, high schools, foundations, and corporations.


Non-repayable funds generally issued by the government to help with the cost of post-secondary education.


Presented annually to recognize students for outstanding achievement. Awards may be based on academic performance (e.g. GPA) and/or additional criteria such as volunteer or community involvement. 


A monetary award for academic achievement either before or during studies that is awarded by institutions, government programs, and private donors.  Similar to award but based solely on academic performance.

Third-Party Sponsorship

An arrangement whereby a 3rd party organization (Band, employer, or government agency) has agreed to pay tuition and/or fees incurred by a Camosun student.

External Award 

An award or bursary issued by an external organization to a Camosun student. 

Student Records

Academic Dishonesty 

Obtaining an academic advantage through conduct such as cheating or plagiarism. Also includes gaining admission by providing false or fraudulent documentation or withholding information or documentation required for admission.

Class Level

Class Level (year 1, year 2, etc) signifies the progress a student has made toward program completion requirements and having an effect on administrative process (e.g. assigned registration time tickets).


The academic qualification issued by Camosun College that confirms the recipient has successfully completed a specific program of study. 

Final Grade 

The official course grade verified by the Office of the Registrar that will appear on transcripts and official documents.

Graduation Requirements

Courses, non-courses, and conditions that must be successfully completed before a credential is awarded, including successful completion of compulsory and optional subjects, general education requirements, academic standing at a defined minimum level, and other factors such as the payment of any outstanding fees.

Letter of Permission (LOP)

A document issued by the Office of the Registrar, upon school approval, which permits a student to take a required course at another institution for transfer back to Camosun College. 


The physical, printed representation of a credential. The parchment displays the college seal, date conferred, credential type, program elements, and at minimum the signatures of the President and Registrar. The nature, extent, and format of information that appears on the parchment are determined by the Registrar in accordance with national and international professional standards and practical systems.


A notation placed on courses for a student to allow a certain registration activity to take place.


A third-party individual who has been formally granted access to a student’s record. In compliance with Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP), the College may not release information pertaining to student records to any other person without the student’s express written consent. 


A notation on a student’s record that prevents the student from engaging in certain activities (e.g. registration, ordering a transcript, etc.) until the student has fulfilled some delinquent financial or other obligation to the College. Commonly due to outstanding fees, a restriction can also be academic in nature (e.g. required academic advising appointment prior to registration).

Student Record

The official repository of all biographical, academic, conduct, and health-related information for a student. 


The official version of a student’s educational record at Camosun College. The transcript shows the label, title, section, term and result for each course in which a student was registered past the add/drop deadline. It can also record such information as academic misconduct, suspensions, expulsions, transfer credits, and distinctions. The nature, extent, and format of information that appears on the transcript are determined by the Registrar in accordance with national and international professional standards and practical systems. Only transcripts bearing the seal of Camosun College and the signature of the Registrar are considered official.


Add (Course) 

Registering in a course before the course add deadline.

Closed Section

A section that no longer has any open enrolment space, with a possible waitlist depending on the course.

Drop (Course) 

Withdrawal from a course before the academic deadline. Dropped courses will not be assigned a grade and will not appear on the transcript.

Extenuating Circumstances

Situations such as those related to a student’s physical or psychological health that are unexpected, significantly disruptive, and beyond a student’s control, and which may affect (or have affected) his/her academic performance. Require documentation from a medical professional.

Open Section

A course section that has vacant space allowing students to enrol.

Prerequisite Override

Permission granted by a school to register into a course for which the student has not completed the pre-requisite but for which the student provides evidence that they have the knowledge to be successful.


The process of enrolling in individual courses.

Registration Time Ticket

The day/time assigned to a particular student to register in course sections. Registration priority is commonly calculated using a number of factors, but primarily credits completed.


A listing of students interested in enrolling in courses or programs that have reached capacity. When a seat becomes available, the first student on the waitlist is given an offer to register.

Transfer Credit & Articulation


The process by which institutions assess learning acquired elsewhere in order that credit toward their own credential may be provided. Articulation is based on established institutional principles, policies, and procedures. It acknowledges the missions of different types of institutions and the quality and integrity of their programs. Transfer credit is the result of the articulation process.

Block Transfer 

The process of granting credit for a group of completed courses from one institution to another without requiring course-by-course assessment. An example would be granting a block of 30 to 60 transfer credits for a completed postsecondary diploma at a recognized institution. Block transfer credit assessments establish and recognize that certificate, diploma, and other program graduates possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to succeed in upper-year courses at the receiving institution.

Block Transfer Agreements

A type of block transfer credit agreement between Camosun and another academic institution which allows a student to complete 1, 2 or 3 years at the sending institution and the balance of coursework at Camosun. This type of agreement goes beyond a basic transfer credit agreement because it specifies that the completion of specific courses, or completion of a specific credential, will fulfill the requirements of a particular program at Camosun and receive their final credential from the College. Some examples of these agreements include, but are not limited to: 2+2, 1+3, and 3+1 (indicating the number of years of study at each institution).

Course Transfer

The process of granting credit for a course (or courses) from one institution to another by completing a comparison of course content and learning outcomes for each individual course. Credit may be awarded for a specific Camosun course or courses (Assigned Transfer Credit); non-specific credit for a subject area (Unassigned Transfer Credit); or general credit (Faculty or Program Transfer Credit) at the appropriate level as determined by the content expert (School or Program Transfer Credit).

Dual Credit 

Credit for a course that may be applied to a credential at more than one institution, often between secondary school and college programs or between college and university programs. At Camosun, the South Island Partnership is the primary conduit with high schools for dual credit.

Home Institution 

The institution in which a student is formally enrolled and is expected to graduate from.

Host Institution 

The institution which has agreed to accept a student from the home institution for a limited period of study.


A process which allows students to build upon previously earned credits or credentials, either from secondary or post-secondary institutions. Often bound by residency requirements.

Learning Outcomes

The knowledge, skills, competencies, and abilities that a student has attained (or is expected to obtain upon course completion) and is able to demonstrate as a result of successfully completing a particular set of educational experiences.

Learning Pathways

Routes that individuals choose to progress into, within, and out of the post-secondary education system. Learning pathways are used to describe the recognized mobility options available to different learners.


The ability to move freely from one jurisdiction to another and to gain entry into an academic institution, trade, or profession or to participate in a learning experience without undue obstacles or hindrances.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

An umbrella agreement that provides a framework for collaborative activities between partners. This agreement has also commonly been referred to as a “handshake agreement” or “parent agreement.” This agreement is often the beginning of a formal relationship between two institutions.

Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) 

A process that enables individuals to gain recognition and credit for learning that they have already mastered. It involves the documentation and assessment of learning acquired through independent or non-formal study, work experience, and other means, resulting in the granting of credits toward a program credential. Usually accomplished through portfolios or challenge tests/exams (known as Challenge for Credit).

Recognized Post-Secondary Institution

A public or private institution that has been given authority to grant degrees, diplomas, certificates, and other formal credentials by competent authorities within the country or that is widely accepted by other institutions and organizations inside and/or outside the country. Examples that designate an institution as such include a public or private act of the provincial/territorial legislature, a government-mandated quality assurance mechanism, or a national accrediting body.

Student Exchange Agreement

A reciprocal agreement which allows for the exchange of students where students pay tuition at their home institution and study at the host partner institution, with credit transferred back to the home institution. These agreements can be college-wide or restricted to specific schools, departments, or levels of study.

Transfer Institution

The institution to which a student is transferring.

Transfer Credit 

A course or courses taken at one post-secondary institution (the sending institution) that are transferred to another postsecondary institution for credit (the receiving institution) through the articulation process. The purpose of transfer credit is to give students fair and reasonable credit for academic work which has been completed at another institution and to reduce the likelihood of a student repeating academic work for which there has already been a demonstrated competence. Transfer credit grades are not factored into grade point average (GPA) calculations, nor are the grades listed on the transcript. Transfer credit is sometimes referred to as Advanced Standing.

Transfer Credit Agreement

An official agreement between two (or more) institutions that authorizes studies completed at one institution to be credited toward studies taken at another institution. Transfer credit agreements can be bilateral (with each institution agreeing to recognize the other’s courses) or unilateral. Transfer credit can be recognized course-by-course or as a block transfer of credit.

Transfer Pathway

A defined route from one program or institution to another program or institution that specifies eligibility requirements and how transfer credits will be accepted and applied at the receiving institution. Usually applies to multiple sending institutions and one or more receiving institutions and does not require a formal agreement between institutions.

Unassigned Credit 

Course credit granted through the Transfer Credit process when an equivalent course does not exist at the receiving institution. The credit earned may be used to meet an elective requirement or may be used in lieu of a required course (see Course Exemption).

Visiting Student Agreement

An agreement established between two institutions that allows students from the home institution to attend the host institution as a visiting student, often on a Letter of Permission.

Study Abroad

Exchange Program

A learning pathway whereby partner institutions establish a reciprocal agreement which enables students to pay tuition at their home institution and to register and study at the host partner institution, with credit transferred back to the home institution. The typical duration of an exchange is one or two terms.

Field School

A short-term and intensive academic program designed to provide practical training for students on subjects previously learned theoretically in classrooms. 

Independent Study Abroad

A credit-based education abroad activity initiated and arranged by the student with the home institution and recognized by establishing an independent leaning course or the granting of transfer credit.

Internship Abroad Program

A supervised work-placement abroad where the primary motivation is educational. Internships may be credit or non-credit, and paid or unpaid.

Taught Abroad Course / Program

A short-term credit-based activity, involving a group of students taking one or two Camosun College courses abroad, under the supervision of a Camosun faculty member.

Visiting Student Program

A program of study either formally established through an agreement or through a Letter of Permission where tuition is paid to Camosun.

Scheduling & Timetable

Capacity Override

The ability for an academic unit to increase the section limit for a particular section, provided the room into which a section is scheduled has the physical space to accommodate more students.

Delivery Patterns

Timeslots throughout a week when a course takes place, for example: Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30AM to 10:00AM. Patterns are typically calculated as 1 x 3 hours, 2 x 1.5 hours, 3 x 1 hours, etc. Patterns can be requested at the time of scheduling.

Instructor Preference

Individual instructor schedule preferences may be identified (e.g. desire to avoid instruction on certain day or time of day). Preferences are not guaranteed and will be automatically evaluated against all other scheduling elements (e.g. special considerations, academic blocks, room requirements, other instructors).


Also referred to as “ties”, this refers to the timetabled relationship between two or more sections, or between components/deliveries of a single section. For example, a single science course might have a lab scheduled immediately after the lecture; these components are linked/tied together.

Section Limit

The maximum number of students that can enroll in a section. 

Space Utilization

The percentage of space that is booked compared to the amount of space available, usually represented in terms of Seat Utilization (enrolled students/available seats) or Time Utilization (hours scheduled/hours available).

Time Blocks

A purposely fixed set of sections for programs to accommodate arrangements for clinical, fieldwork, etc. as well as for lab-specific requirements. For example, astronomy labs are not scheduled in the morning.


Lists all course sections offered for a specific term or the academic year. The timetable lists the course ID, course number, name, time, classroom, campus location, and instructor for each course.

Time Periods

Academic Dates

A listing of the dates of major academic events or deadlines for the academic year (September to August).

Academic Year 

A twelve-month time period beginning September 1st of each year around which admission procedures and curricular changes are organized. Students are generally expected to complete the program requirements approved for the academic calendar year in which they were admitted. As such, program changes and new programs are typically implemented with an effective date of September 1st. 

Course Add Deadline 

The last day that a student can add a course without requiring special permission.

Deferred Examination

The sitting of a final examination at a time other than the scheduled time and date. A deferred examination may be granted by the instructor to a student who is not able to complete a final examination through no fault of his/her own, for medical, compassionate, or other valid reasons.

Examination Period

A specified number of days during which exams take place (see Important Dates in the Academic Calendar). A student’s exams (or last gradable activity) may take place at any time during the designated period.

Fiscal Year 

The fiscal year for the College runs from April 1st to March 31st.

Instructional Period 

A scheduled period of time in which a group of students participate in a particular type of instructional activity (laboratory, lecture, discussion, etc.) related to a specific subject.

  • Morning - an instructional period between 08:00 and 13:00 hours.
  • Afternoon - an instructional period between 13:00 and 17:30 hours.
  • Evening - an instructional period currently between 17:30 and 22:00 hours.
Refund Deadline 

The last day that a student can drop a course while still receiving a refund of tuition.

Stable Date

The date at which enrolments are expected to remain relatively stable for the remainder of the semester, and commonly used as the threshold date for reporting to ensure accuracy. Typically, the stable date is the day after the last day that students can add/drop classes.


An academic period of time 15-weeks in length during which courses are offered. Each Academic Years consists of three (3) terms and may have 7-week parts of term within. Upgrading & Preparatory, Trades, and Continuing Education offerings may fall outside of (or span) tradition terms.

  • Fall - September 1 to December 31
  • Winter - January 1 to April 30
  • Summer - May 1 to August 31
Tuition & Fee Due Date

The date course tuition and fees are due. 

Withdrawal Deadline 

Withdrawal from a course after the Refund Deadline and before 66% of the course has been completed, as per the Course Withdrawal Policy. Also referred to as the “Course Drop Deadline”.