Academic Calendar 2024-25 
    Sep 12, 2024  
Academic Calendar 2024-25

Archaeological Field Assistant (Certificate)

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Total Credits: 3
Credential: Certificate in Archaeological Field Assistant
Program Code: AFA.CERT
CIP: 45.0301


The program prepares graduates to use the appropriate skills and technologies to recognize and record a range of archaeological features in accordance with provincial Heritage Conservation Act legislation. Indigenous collaboration is important in this program; the applied field project in the program allows students to practice key technical skills while learning about cultural protocols and practicing respectful archaeology. The primary goal is to prepare individuals for employment in the Cultural Resource Management industry as archaeological field assistants or for work in other resource inventory jobs.

The program will appeal to those who have an interest in archaeology in British Columbia, including individuals studying Anthropology, Environmental Technology, or Indigenous Studies, and Indigenous people working with heritage in their communities.  

This certificate program will complement other credentials such as a Bachelor of Arts and should not be seen as a certificate ensuring employment as a field assistant in and of itself. In addition, graduates receive a Certificate of Competency from the BC Archaeology Branch.


One of:

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, the learner will be able to 

  1. Employ basic archaeological inventory skills in the field to accurately and safely record heritage features and sites
    1. Complete key components of the Archaeological Site Inventory Form and the CRM site Recording Form or other forms as required by the BC Heritage Conservation Act
    2. Use appropriate technology to identify and efficiently record archaeological features
  2. Describe and identify the laws that protect archaeological sites in British Columbia
  3. Use respectful practices in all aspects of archeological field work, and cultural heritage
    1. Follow Indigenous cultural protocols as related to a particular site
    2. Apply the principles related to the protection of Indigenous knowledge
  4. Be able to work in teams to effectively apply the techniques of field archaeology


The program consists of one comprehensive course:

Program Participation Requirements

  • Students must be physically fit, be able to perform routine archaeological duties, and be prepared to work outdoors in all weather conditions. 
    • Field components of this program are physically demanding.  
    • Appropriate footwear and rain gear is necessary. 
    • Full participation every day of the program is a requirement. 
  • The participant must purchase a basic toolkit specified by the instructor.